
20 Community Stories from 15 countries around the world and 0 flights
’20 Community Stories from 15 countries around the world and with 0 flights’

A few credits…

Firstly, do visit the About page, where you will find out all about the film makers, and all the initiatives that were involved in making of the film.

  • The Translators – Translators across the globe were involved voluntarily with enabling the wonderful subtitles that appear on the film, enabling the stories to be available in 16 different languages: Albanian, Croatian, Dutch/Nederlands, Finnish, French, German,
    Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Romanian,
    Slovak, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish.
  • Rosie Perks, Creative Director at Strawberry Design who compiled and designed the cover for the DVD packaging, and also the screening posters of which you can download and use for your local screenings in your area.
  • Laura at Popokatea (who is also the Transition Networks’ Webmaster) who voluntarily devloped this micro-site with a secure shop facility.
  • And to Ecodissident – our webhosts for the hosting of this website. Their webservers are helping to reduce our carbon footprint - with the hosting based in Iceland and the Icelandic grid is powered by 100% green electricity.