"V prechode 2.0′s closing story is that of Projekt Lyttelton na Novom Zélande. So how did the screening go down there?
Margaret Jefferies z projektu Lyttelton tiež poslal krátku napísať premýšľať o tom, ako šiel projekcia: “Nad 20 Ľudia zabalené do kancelárie projektu Lyttelton už vo štvrtok ráno sa pozerať "V Transition 2.0" súčasne s mnohými komunitách po celom svete. Bol to dobrý pocit, že robí dohromady. Ešte v lete, Pre nás to bolo až neuveriteľné, myslieť si, že talianska skupina Prechod bol s -15 °. Postrádali sme ich, aj keď sme nemohli povedať, kto sa pozeral na.
Lyttelton since the earthquakes (we now have reached over 10,000 since the September ’10 event) doesn’t have very many places left for people to gather. Hence we were in this small space. There were babes in arms up to grannies in attendance.
The film is excellent. Rob and Sophy setting the structure, then various examples of transitioning worldwide were interspersed. After the screening, conversation flowed. The film has sparked our imagination. It is great knowing that we are not alone, that communities world wide are hungering for a change and are doing something about it. Since it was a morning screening, people had to leave to go to work after the viewing and some conversation. But we have much to think about. We are looking forward to viewing the film again as there is so much in there to learn. For me some of the highlights were the Brixton Pound via cell phone, the Italian relationship building with their council, the co-op shop, the door knocking and the leaders in streets drawing their neighbours in, and the solar panels”.
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